The Office (U.S.), 4 recs, Pam/Jim

Mar 05, 2015 11:55

Fandom Category: The Office
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Outlook
Author: invis
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 419 (complete)
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: The shortest and sweetest five-times fic you will ever see, and to say anything more would ruin all the little joys of it.


Fandom Category: The Office
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Jim Halpert and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Date
Author: fireworkfiasco
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 860 (complete)
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: It’s a small miracle that (as far as we know), this isn’t how Jim and Pam’s first date went, although I have no doubt that (as in this fic) Michael-related sheningans figure more in to their relationship than they probably should. But hey, if you like the characters and their shared dynamics, you’re gonna love this story anyway.


Fandom Category: The Office
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert, Karen Fillipelli/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Revelations
Author: shan21
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 9,174
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: I love stories when Pam gets to be kind of wise and figuring things out as the adult in the room. This fic is like that, although it's long since been jossed. And Angela’s nice! And the teapot is a plot point, and we all have feelings about that, right?


Fandom Category: The Office
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Pack Up Your Bags, It's Never Too Late! (or, And That's How the Kids Got Married!)
Author: kyrafic and annakovksy
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 11,000 (complete)
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: Fake married trope alert-with appearances by the documentary film crew! If you’ve read fic by either of these authors before, you’ll know that they can work magic with just about any Jim/Pam premise, and this story is no exception. Prepare grin your face off.

ship: pam beesley/jim halpert, fandom: the office

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