Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Veronica Mars/Logan Echolls
Title: Gravity Sings
Author: MachaSWicket
Link: PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 75k; complete
Recced By: blithers
Why This Must Be Read: This fic is a long, novel-length sequel to The Thousand Dollar Tan Line, and it feels like a missing episode from canon, with gorgeous development of the Veronica/Logan relationship, lots of moments with the entire Mars Investigations crew, and a case that sprawls outward with a couple fantastic OCs that complement but never take the focus from the characters we know and love. This is the kind of story to sink yourself into over a lazy weekend, or to download onto your Kindle for a long trip - I loved it, and kept having to pinch myself that what I was reading wasn’t actually canon.