Four multifandom recs

Jan 08, 2015 08:14

Fandom: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Pairing:: Amy Santiago/Jake Peralta
Title: To face unafraid the plans that we made
Author: Satellite (brella)
Rating/Warning(s): General Audience, no warnings apply
Word Count/WIP?: 6,420. Complete.
Recced By: shallowness

Why This Must Be Read: It's season 1 Christmas fluff, featuring the ensemble. I laughed a lot (especially at Scully and Hitchcock) as the precinct celebrates Christmas and Jake and Amy flirt in their own special way.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Ronald Weasley
Title: Busman's holiday
Author: lily-tarn
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences. No warnings apply.
Word Count/WIP?: 6,996. Complete.
Recced By: shallowness

Why This Must Be Read: For when you're in the mood for a longish friends-to-lovers fic. Set after year 7, but jossed.

There's a lovely warmth to this fic about family life, growing up and finding your way to the friend you've fallen in love with.

Fandom: The Hour
Pairing: Bel Rowley/Freddie Lyon
Title: rendering death and forever
Author: irishmizzy
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and up. References to pst violence.
Word Count/WIP?: 2,510
Recced By: shallowness

Why This Must Be Read: It felt as though a lot of care and thought went into this fic about the aftermath of series 2, in a good way, because Bel and Freddie's characterisations and reactions rang so true.

Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Donna Moss/Josh Lyman
Title: Coffee
Author: krabapple
Rating/Warning(s): PG. No warnings apply.
Word Count/WIP?: 3,000+. Complete.
Recced By: shallowness

Why This Must Be Read: Because it's lovely. (Spoilers through till 'King Corn' i.e. his is set when they're both on separate campaign trails.)

But Josh Lyman still had it in him to surprise her.

fandom: the hour, fandom: brooklyn nine nine, ship: hermione granger/ronald weasley, ship: bel rowley/freddie lyon, ship: donna moss/josh lyman, ship: amy santiago/jake peralta, fandom: harry potter, fandom: west wing

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