"Breach" by Justin Glasser (G)

Dec 12, 2014 08:33

Fandom Category: The X-Files
Pairing: Dana Scully/Fox Mulder
Fic Title: Breach
Author: Justin Glasser
Link: http://krycek.gossamer.org/author/10430-1.html and then click on “Breach”
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: ~1500, complete
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: The X-Files fandom was a goldmine for sharing-a-bed fics - the number of almost sold out hotels that Scully and Mulder end up at in fanfic is kind of astonishing, really. I love this particular story for being such a smart, subtle subversion of the trope (the summary for this story is A Mulder and Scully in bed story which does not end in sex or professions of undying love, which tells you all you need to know right there), while also playing it delightfully straight. A short, wonderful little gem of a story.

ship: dana scully/fox mulder, fandom: x-files

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