Inception, 2 recs, Mal/Dom

Dec 11, 2014 14:28

Hey, remember when this movie was all the fandom rage like four years ago? There was some good fic to be had that wasn't slash.

Fandom Category: Inception
Pairing: Malorie Cobb/Dominic Cobb
Fic Title: Some Dream, Others Rise
Author: musesfool
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 2,013 (complete)
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: Short but worthwhile, this story considers what would have happened if Mal was right-that Dom was still stuck in a layer of a dream. Her doggedness in going after him gives a richer sense of how her projections might have turned out to be what they were, and the author plays with the time lapse differences just enough to blow your mind a little.

Special Rec: 12/20


Fandom Category: Inception
Pairing: Malorie Cobb/Dominic Cobb
Fic Title: i am the hero of this story (don't need to be saved)
Author: electrumqueen
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 4,128 (complete)
Recced By: stars-inthe-sky

Why This Must Be Read: This story takes a similar premise to the one above-Mal wakes up, Dom doesn't, Mal and Arthur scheme to save him-and expands it, building Mal into a person who feels real and whole and diving a little deeper into the individual characters that compose the team and how they relate to each other.

Special Rec: 13/20

special reccer: stars_inthe_sky, ship: mal cobb/dom cobb, fandom: inception

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