Fandom Category: The Good Wife
Pairing: Alicia Florrick/Cary Agos
Fic Title: Outside the Frame (Is What We're Leaving Out)
Author: mardia
Link: Explicit; breathplay
Word Count/WIP?: 1,507
Recced By:
eevilalice Why This Must Be Read: Because it's hot and totally in character, with great kink negotiation. I love this Alicia.
Fandom Category: The Good Wife
Pairing: Alicia Florrick/Cary Agos
Fic Title: A typical Cary Agos
Author: iridescentglow
Link: Explicit
Word Count/WIP?: 7,959
Recced By:
eevilalice Why This Must Be Read: Set circa season 2, Alicia's perception of Cary is challenged, and there's a fun, sneaky (also hot) cat and mouse game.
Fandom Category: The Good Wife
Pairing: Kalinda Sharma/Cary Agos
Fic Title: Vital Energies
Author: string
Link: Mature
Word Count/WIP?: 1,218
Recced By:
eevilalice Why This Must Be Read: An excellent Kalinda and compelling writing style. Totally transfixed me.