"you (not so) sexy thing" by dollsome (PG)

Oct 30, 2014 13:18

Fandom Category: Selfie
Pairing: Eliza Dooley/Henry Higgs
Fic Title: you (not so) sexy thing
Author: dollsome (lj, tumblr)
Link: http://dollsome.livejournal.com/2025132.html
Rating/Warning(s): not rated, but I’d put it at PG
WIP?: no
Recced By: blithers

Why This Must Be Read: So we can all agree that Karen Gillan and John Cho are the sort of people who need to flirt, like, all the time, right? Because that’s what this fic is: sweet, funny, pop culture-y hanging out/cheerful arguing, with a gentle overlay of flirting - the sort of thing guaranteed to make you smile. Henry and Eliza go shopping for Halloween costumes. It goes about as well as you'd think.

ship: eliza dooley/henry higgs, fandom: selfie

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