(no subject)

Mar 22, 2014 22:54

Fandom Category: Marvel/The Avengers
Pairing: Female!Phil Coulson/Clint Barton
Fic Title: Wasn't Born A Beauty Queen (But I'm Okay With That)
Author: thatdamneddame
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/862194
Rating/Warning(s): Teen+
Genre: Backstory, Romance, Adventure, AU
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read:
Philippa Coulson became Fury’s One Good Eye by being smart and relentlessly competent and notoriously difficult to faze.

Features a great Philippa Coulson, and a nice build of a story reaching across years. The supporting characters are well written and in character.

Fandom Category: Marvel/The Avangers
Pairing: Female!Phil Coulson/Clint Barton
Fic Title: Hitch A Ride On The Back of a Butterfly
Author: torakowalski
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1037763
Rating/Warning(s): M
Genre: Adventure, Established Relationship, AU
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read:
When Loki attacks SHIELD and brainwashes Clint Barton, Phil Coulson’s first priority is to get their daughter to safety. After that, there's just leading the ground defence against the Chitauri, organising a group of brand new SHIELD recruits into a workable army, and learning to work with Tony Stark.

Fandom Category: Marvel/The Avengers
Pairing: Female!Phil Coulson/Clint Barton
Fic Title: Graded on the Sanctity of Patience
Author: BlackEyedGirl
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/385075
Rating/Warning(s): M / discussion of rape as a scenario with regards to a missing female agent
Genre: Adventure, Backstory, AU
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read:
Around about the time Phillipa Jane told her middle-school teacher that Phil wasn’t a nickname, it was her name and not a difficult one to remember, she picked up a reputation. That hasn’t really gone away.

fandom: thor, ship: genderbender, !remembered, fandom: avengers

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