LOTR, Arwen/Aragorn, 6 recs

Mar 04, 2014 20:15

Fandom Category: Lord Of The Rings
Pairing: Arwen/Aragorn
Fic Title: Namarië, Elessar
Author: Joanna
Link: http://www.henneth-annun.net/stories/chapter_view.cfm?STID=2151&SPOrdinal=1
Rating/Warning(s): PG13, angst, character death
Genre: romance, aganst
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: To put it plainly, this fic hurts you. Like, really, really hurts you with this lethal combination of elegant prose, the unescapapable sadness of Arwen’s voice all through it, and the tragic beauty of her pain after Aragorn is gone. After all, the true price of living out that perfect, complete love was not giving up immortality, but eventually facing the beloved’ mortality. And so Arwen is in the end forced to experience Aragorn’s absence almost as an abomination of her senses, and there’s truly nothing to do for her but leaving their home and her children to reach Lothlórien. It’s is a moving journey to follow her through.

Fandom Category: Lord Of The Rings
Pairing: Arwen/Aragorn
Fic Title: One Breath
Author: M. Sebasky
Link: http://www.henneth-annun.net/stories/chapter_view.cfm?STID=4351&SPOrdinal=1
Rating/Warning(s): Sexual situations mentioned, character death
Genre: M
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: Another take on the ‘Arwen after Aragorn dies’ theme. Even here, there’s pain, but dressed in this undercurrent of ethereal sadness that manages to make it very much Arwen’s POV. It contrasts enticingly well with the memories that break through her grief - warm, raw, sexual nights and days spent with a man she adored as much he adored her. The love the couple shared is really palpable here, not only in Arwen’s intense mourning but even in the subtle erotism of her flashbacks. Beauty and tragedy , and the author’s style drives it to home. And overall, with Arwen being so often seen as this otherworldy, not-quite-touchable beauty, is interesting to observe her as warm-blooded, vulnerable woman.

Fandom Category: Lord Of The Rings
Pairing: Arwen/Aragorn
Fic Title: Let There Be Light
Author: Azalais
Link: http://www.henneth-annun.net/stories/chapter.cfm?stid=8894
Rating/Warning(s): G
Genre: Romance, adventure
WIP?: no
Why This Must Be Read: Arwen and Aragorn ‘s journey to each other, from separation to reunion, through the frame story of the standard Arwen wove for her champion, and its journey with Halbarad from Rivendell to Minas Tirith, split in ten drabbles. Original idea, beautiful exacution, poetic writing style, quite good Arwen characterization.

Fandom Category: Lord Of The Rings
Pairing: Arwen/Aragorn
Fic Title: Love Began Here
Author: Adonnen Estenniel
Link: http://www.henneth-annun.net/stories/chapter_view.cfm?stid=8203&spordinal=1
Rating/Warning(s): G
Genre: romance,
WIP?: n

Why This Must Be Read:
"At the hill's foot Frodo found Aragorn, standing still and silent as a tree; but in his hand was a small golden bloom of elanor, and a light was in his eyes. He was wrapped in some fair memory: and as Frodo looked at him he knew that he beheld things as they once had been in this same place." - The Fellowship of the Ring: 'Lothlórien'
This is Aragorn’s POV on that and the beautiful, powerful memory of the moment he and Arwen first promised themselves to each other. On that hill, she is nearly a tangible presence beside him , a presence breathes back courage and hope into his heart… and it’s epic, in a really sweet, nostalgic way.

Fandom Category: Lord Of The Rings
Pairing: Arwen/Aragorn
Fic Title:The Ground Beneath Her Feet
Author: Iavalir
Link: http://www.henneth-annun.net/stories/chapter_view.cfm?stid=8434&spordinal=1
Rating/Warning(s): M, kink-ish but not quite
Genre: Romance
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: It offers an all too short, tender exploration of Aragorn’s fetish for his lady ‘s feet. Unfortunately this stops right before going into properly heated territory . It’s the only flaw it has.

Fandom Category: Lord Of The Rings
Pairing: Arwen/Aragorn
Fic Title: Ashes And The Flame
Author: Ariel3
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2042424/1/Ashes-and-The-Flame
Rating/Warning(s): G
Genre: Aganst
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Aragorn writes a long , touching letter a Frodo from the familiar warmth of the bedroom he shares now with his wife, full with their fourth child - this letter is a great testimony to the friendship between Aragorn and Frodo, the gratitude and the guilt Aragorn feels for the sacrifices his friend did. Aragorn remorsefully questions whether Frodo, for all his bravery and worth, has ever had a taste of the happiness Aragorn enjoys with Arwen - the happiness of a lifetime shared with someone loved so sweetly. The piece deserves of being read even just for the fantastic Aragorn voice it carries, but the glimpses of Arwen/Aragon that act as contour and frame to Aragon’s narrative here are just beautiful in a warm, grounded-in-the-reality-of-marriage sort of way.

ship: arwen/aragorn, !remembered, fandom: lord of the rings

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