“Ridiculous Resolutions” by fractionallyfoxtrot (Teen)

Dec 28, 2013 12:32

Special Rec: 28
Fandom Category: Cabin Pressure
Pairing: Carolyn/Herc
Fic Title: “Ridiculous Resolutions”
Author: fractionallyfoxtrot
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/622089
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Genre: Fluff, romance, New Year’s
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: If you haven’t discovered the wonderful radio series Cabin Pressure yet, you should get right on that. It’s a fantastic show about a charter airdot, and features the fabulous voices of Benedict Cumberbatch, Roger Allam, Stephanie Cole, Anthony Stewart-Head, and John Finnimore. This is a brilliant little fic about a New Year’s Eve party, and resolutions from Carolyn and Herc. Well worth a look.

special reccer: faith_less_one, fandom: cabin pressure, ship: carolyn/herc

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