"Ella Enchanted", 2 recs, Ella/Char

Nov 15, 2013 21:25

Special Rec: 18 & 19
Fandom Category: Ella Enchanted (book 'verse)
Pairing: Ella/Prince Char

Fic Title: Unsent
Author: Lady Sarai
Link: At AO3
Rating/Warning(s): G
Genre: Missing Scene
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read:
It's just so bittersweet. Even though you know the book has a happy ending, in this story you get caught in the moment and just feel for Ella and her heartbreak.

Fic Title: Just Kiss the Girl
Author:Lillianna Rose
Link: At FF.net
Rating/Warning(s): G
Genre: Missing Scene
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read:
The author manages to match the tone of the book perfectly (I love it when fanfic authors do that).

special reccer: n_e_star, fandom: ella enchanted, ship: ella/prince char

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