Four Times Sherlock Touched Joan (And One Time She Touched Him) by time_converges (Teen)

Oct 17, 2013 14:19

Fandom Category: Elementary
Pairing: Joan Watson/Sherlock Holmes
Fic Title: Four Times Sherlock Touched Joan (And One Time She Touched Him)
Author: time_converges
Link: At Archive of Our Own
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Genre: Romance, Fluff, and Angst
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Each vignette follows a gentle progression of how a Joan/Sherlock relationship might start. The romance and fluff aren't syrupy sweet...there are enough gritty details of their world to make it quite realistic. I think this author is fantastic at getting the voices spot on in whatever fandom she writes, and this story is no exception. She also captures Sherlock's fidgety mannerisms perfectly.

fandom: elementary, ship: joan watson/sherlock holmes

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