Multiple Carol/Daryl recs, Walking Dead.

Sep 09, 2013 22:22

Here's me, doing another giant post of recs! If you've not poked one of my long lists before, just know that I tend to rec authors that have written quite a bit. Make sure to poke the author links for more stories! I'm also going to put a giant disclaimer here that Carol Peletier is, canonically, a battered wife. Daryl Dixon is, canonically, an abused child. This gets mentioned repeatedly in pretty much every story they're in. They basically have a trigger warning stamped all over themselves as people. I will warn for the stories that I remember have graphic violence done to them, but know it's pretty much omnimpresent in anything written about them. Oh, and Merle Dixon is basically his own trigger warning. At least, I use him that way...

Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: Stray
Author: BSparrow
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13. Domestic violence, adultery.
Genre: AU, friendship, angst, romance, pre-series.
WIP?: Complete.

Why This Must Be Read: This show has a lot of Au's, and this is one of the better ones. It's a really great character study of the people Carol and Daryl might have been, and what might have happened had they met earlier in their lives. I love the slow, studied pace of the story and how we don't get a neatly tied off ending.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: Diana
Author: Missmishka
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17/M. Spoilers for season 2.
Genre: Character study, introspection, romance, post-ep, friendship.
WIP?: Complete!

Why This Must Be Read: This is an older story, so it's not closely tied to season 3 canon. That said, it's still fantastically lovely. One of the best things, for me, about Carol is how steep her learning and survival curve is. When the series starts, she's - arguably given the spectrum that is "weak" - the weakest of the female characters. She's an abused housewife who loses her child. But she survives and does it well. This story is great because it shows her pushing herself and coming into her own. Not because Daryl teaches her, but because she says yes.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon, very slight Carol Peletier/Merle Dixon in one chapter.
Fic Title: Silver Linings
Author: Wicked Pussycat
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17/M. Implied abuse (Ed) in first chapter, drug use and slight dubcon in the second. Also, Merle Dixon exists and says things.
Genre: One-shots, sexy times, romance, friendship, AU.
WIP?: Each chapter is complete!

Why This Must Be Read: These are dirty and intense and mischevious, but somehow sweet. Definitely fun porny goodness!


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon, Maggie Greene/Glenn Rhee, Lori Grimes/Rick Grimes
Fic Title: What The Hell is Wrong With Me?
Author: rabbitheartedgirl88
Rating/Warning(s): Hard R/M. Mentions of past child abuse, and Ed existed, so.
Genre: Romance, friendship, AU.
WIP?: Yes, but updated fairly regularly!

Why This Must Be Read: Oh, I love this story. It's an AU where Ed dies early and there's no zombie apocalypse - which, I KNOW, counter to the show premise! It's also an absolutely lovely slow-burn romance that doesn't sacrifice the development and truth of any of the character voices. The prose is lovely, and the story is just so charming I can't help but clap happily when it's updated!


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: Down in the Willow Garden
Author: Praxid
Rating/Warning(s): R. Canon-typical violence. Implied/threatened sexual violence. Stated child abuse.
Genre: Introspection, backstory, friendship, romance, angst, adventure.
WIP?: Complete.

Why This Must Be Read: First and foremost, the prose in this is top notch. It's also epic in length, tightly plotted and a brutal story for pretty much everyone involved. Especially Daryl, Carol, and Merle. This is brilliant and so worth it.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon, Andrea Taggart/Milton Mamet, Merle Dixon/Maggie Greene
Fic Title: Snake
Author: Axelrocks
Rating/Warning(s): Hard R/M. Implied drug use, Merle Dixon, implied child abuse.
Genre: High School AU, friendship, romance
WIP?: Complete! (There is a sequel that is in-progress though. I'm not linking because this can be a contained story.)

Why This Must Be Read: So, I'm not usually a big fan of the high school AU, but this is so incredibly charming. All of the voices in this are so young, and yet still very much the people we meet at the beginning of the series. I love how each of the characters affects and changes the others. It's pretty great, I have to say!


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: Faith
Author: Shipperwolf
Rating/Warning(s): PG. Christianity.
Genre: Friendship, introspection, character study, slight romance.
WIP?: Complete!

Why This Must Be Read: This was a hard choice as Shipperwolf is great at short, impactful, emotional pieces. Defintiely check out the author link above. I picked this one because it's such a delicate interesting look at Carol and her faith and how Daryl observes it in her.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: To the Edge and Back
Author: Peta2
Genre: Family drama, romance, friendship, AU, angst, suspense, adventure, retelling.
WIP?: Yes.

Why This Must Be Read: This is a barn-burner of a story. It's canon-divergent during season 2 and an absolutely great "what if", wherein Merle Dixon manages to find Sophia when she runs into the woods off the highway. It's messy and hard (Merle Dixon exists in this story! In Woodbury nonetheless!), but wonderfully and supsensefully written. READ IT.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: Dress You Up in My Love
Author: darylsdiva1
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13. Spoilers for the end of season 3.
Genre: Friendship, romance.
WIP?: Complete!

Why This Must Be Read: Oh, I love this story. It's such a quiet, gentle bit of a thing, but all the more powerful for it. I love the quiet emotion that permeates this entire work. I kind of just want to hug this story and make sure it never, ever goes away.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon, Maggie Greene/Glenn Rhee, OFC/OMC
Fic Title: Graveyard Dirt & Salt and Black Cat Bone
Author: SpyVsTailor
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17/M. Canon typical and extra violence. Major Character deaths.
Genre: Suspense, friendship, ensemble, romance, angst, AU.
WIP?: The first story is complete and the second is in progress and updated.

Why This Must Be Read: OH MY GOD. GO READ THESE RIGHT NOW. Not only is the writing top-notch, it's smart. There are a ton of OC's that pop up, but in intelligent, wonderful ways. I really can't say enough good things about these stories! But for the few of you around here who know me pretty well, this got upgraded to A+++ when the author fancast Grace as Kathryn Erbe and Fate as Richard Armitage. GO READ IT.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon, Maggie Greene/Merle Dixon, Sophia Peletier/Carl Grimes (eventually!)
Fic Title: Skin Deep
Author: Haitus80
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17/M. Spoilers for all seasons. Merle Dixon exists. Canon typical violence.
Genre: Romance, angst, epic AU, retelling, suspense, adventure.
WIP?: Complete!

Why This Must Be Read: Haitus80 is kind of the Nora Roberts of this fandom. Everything this author puts out is pretty quality, incredibly long, smartly plotted, and infinitely readable. This is a great example of that. It's also a really fun AU where Sophia and Carl run off into the woods together. If you want a long, excellent read to settle into, this is your story (and your author!)


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: First Times
Author: JoyLee
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13. Spoilers for whole series. Canon typical violence and character deaths.
Genre: Friendship, romance, post-ep, introspection.
WIP?: Yes.

Why This Must Be Read: This story is a masterclass in an almost forgotten genre of fic: the episode tag. Each chapter is a new element and/or moment in Carol and Daryl's friendship and the odd (and wonderful) thing their feelings turn into. It follows canon very closely and is, therefore, unfinished, but damn it's great.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: Plan D
Author: zennjenn
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13. Canon typical violence.
Genre: AU, friendship, romance, adventure, introspection.
WIP?: Complete!

Why This Must Be Read: Basically, everything goes to hell and Daryl and Carol end up in an accidental vacation. Well, as much of a vacation as you can get during the apocalypse. I love this so much because it gives Carol and Daryl a few days to regroup and just process. Their lives, their feelings, and their future.


Fandom Category: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon
Fic Title: Underneath the Sky of Blue
Author: SepticLovebite
Rating/Warning(s): PG. Spoilers for the whole series.
Genre: Post-ep, introspection, friendship, romance.
WIP?: Yes.

Why This Must Be Read: This is a post season 3 finale series of short stories that makes me bite my nails in delight. They're tiny little character studies of Carol, Daryl, and the prison after everything shakes out. It's got good pieces and bad pieces and everything inbetween. Wonderfully written.

ship: lori grimes/rick grimes, ship: carol peletier/merle dixon, ship: andrea harrison/milton mamet, ship: carol peletier/daryl dixon, ship: sophia peletier/carl grimes, ship: maggie greene/glenn rhee, ship: maggie greene/merle dixon, fandom: the walking dead

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