Fandom Category: Temeraire
Pairing: Iskierka/Temeraire
Fic Title: As Blood Gleams Off An Errant Talon (Special Rec: 20/30)
Author: half_sleeping
As Blood Gleams Off An Errant TalonRating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Humour, drama
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: Because it's absolutely hilarious, and matches the tone of the humour in the books so perfectly - Iskierka getting all jealous never fails to amuse me. Needless to say, there are major spoilers for Book 7 of the series, so if you haven't read up to then, save this for later because it's possibly my favourite fanfic ever in this fandom.
Also, mods, can I have tags for the fandom and ship please?