New Girl, 2 Recs, Jessica Day/Nick Miller

Jun 13, 2013 23:39

Fandom Category: New Girl
Pairing: Jessica Day/Nick Miller
Fic Title: What To Do When You Realize You're Really (Really) Into Your Roommate
Author: kyrafic
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Humor, UST, Romance
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: Because it's a charming and funny story of the thought process of one Jessica Day in the middle of freaking out about the fact that she just might like that dude across the hall from her bedroom. It's written in a first person POV, which can be tricky, but works perfectly here to capture a distinctive Jess voice.

Fandom Category: New Girl
Pairing: Jessica Day/Nick Miller
Fic Title: been too lonely too long
Author: allthingsholy
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Character Study, Angst
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: This story takes place during the episode where Nick's dad dies, and is a delicate blend of New Girl-style humor and a messed-up Nick Miller dealing with something so big he can barely wrap his head around it. It's aching and funny and ultimately hopeful - just lovely.

fandom: new girl, ship: jess day/nick miller

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