3 Recs, Various Fandoms

May 31, 2013 08:24

Fandom Category: Harry Potter/The Immortals (Tamora Pierce)
Pairing: Numair (Snape)/Daine
Fic Title: Lost
Author: Spinner Dolphin
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2231996/1/Lost
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Angst, Drama, Crossover
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 20/22

Why This Must Be Read: Numair as Snape is a premise that I had never remotely thought of, and yet, in this story, it works. The emotions that Numair runs through about his family is believable and heart-wrenching. The way the two universes are combined is also believable.

Fandom Category: Star Trek: Voyager
Pairing: B'Elanna/Tom Paris, Naomi Wildman/Icheb
Fic Title: Temporality
Author: dalaire
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2701634/1/Temporality
Rating/Warning(s): PG, Character Death
Genre: AU, Time Travel, Drama
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 21/22

Why This Must Be Read: Time travel is one of my favorite things to read about, especially if it's plausible and not so out there as to leave you saying "wut?" Dalaire takes the episode "Shattered" and creates a whole other universe told from the POV of the grown up Naomi Wildman and Icheb that we only caught a glimpse of in Astrometrics. It's the story of how those two got from playing on the cargo bay floor to the two mature adults we saw then.

Fandom Category: Inception
Pairing: Ariadne/Arthur
Fic Title: how the lines blur into each other
Author: burning fireflies
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6783814/1/how-the-lines-blur-into-each-other
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 22/22

Why This Must Be Read: It's just cute, showing how Ariadne and Arthur learn to be together.

Welp, that's all I got for this month! It's been great and fun. I only got to 22 so hopefully my next time around I have more!

ship: crossover, special reccer: charlottetrips, ship: ariadne/arthur, fandom: star trek: voyager, fandom: inception, fandom: immortals, fandom: harry potter, ship: b'elanna torres/tom paris, ship: naomi wildman/icheb

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