Judgment Calls by Stephensmat (PG-13)

May 01, 2013 11:39

First time being a special reccer! I have something that I've been dying to rec but been saving for today!

Fandom Category: Terminator (movies)
Pairing: Kate Brewster/John Connor
Fic Title: Judgment Calls
Author: Stephensmat
Link: +here
Rating/Warning(s): T, Some Violence
Genre: Adventure/Romance, AU from T3 on
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 1/30

Why This ( Read more... )

special reccer: charlottetrips, ship: kate brewster/john connor, fandom: terminator verse

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Comments 1

blithers May 2 2013, 04:37:39 UTC
Looking forward to your recs! <3


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