Gilmore Girls, 3 recs, Luke/Lorelai

Apr 26, 2013 16:18

I became obsessed with the Java Junkie pair during its season three UST heyday, and these are three brief works that ensured I survived the will-they-won’t-they. One is from 2001, one from 2002, and one from 2003, because I clearly wanted to feel old this Friday afternoon. Hope this sates part of the want for quality Luke/Lorelai fic!

Fandom Category: Gilmore Girls
Pairing: Lorelai Gilmore/Luke Danes
Fic Title: Younger Now (or Party Like It’s 1984)
Author: Spitfireness
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: gen/pre-canon
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: I can’t stress how much I adore this fic. Not only does it read as a charming alternate meet-cute for our favorite couple, it shows the power of an AU done well: Luke and Lorelai are incredibly in-character but reflective of the changed setting - in this case, a house party in the 1980s.

Fandom Category: Gilmore Girls
Pairing: Lorelai Gilmore/Luke Danes
Fic Title: Babysitting Does Not Entail Actually Sitting On the Baby
Author: Connecticut Junkie
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Gen, with a healthy dose of fluff. Oh the fluff.
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Because who doesn’t want to indulge the thought of Luke tending to a bitty baby, especially in only a tank top? Told pitch-perfectly from his perspective, this sweet and simple fic features the contemplation and flirtation so essential to the Luke/Lorelai pairing.

Fandom Category: Gilmore Girls
Pairing: Lorelai Gilmore/Luke Danes
Fic Title: Pretty in the Morning
Author: Green Eve
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: gen
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Anchored by spot-on dialogue between Luke and Lorelai, this fic reads like it easily could’ve fit into the show, especially as the two adjusted to Jess and Rory’s burgeoning relationship. This fic revels in the easy connection between Luke and Lorelai as they bicker and broach sensitive subjects seamlessly. Plus, I find the overall premise sweet and think Green Eve does a great job incorporating aspects of GG universe into the work without it feeling forced or adrift. Read it!

fandom: gilmore girls, ship: lorelai gilmore/luke danes

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