I'd Take Care of You by bethaboo (M)

Apr 22, 2013 17:11

Fandom Category: New Girl
Pairing: Jess Day/Nick Miller
Fic Title: I'd Take Care of You
Author: bethaboo
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/707916
Rating/Warning(s): M for some explicit fantasies and masturbation
Genre: H/C, angst, almost fluff
WIP?: No.

Why This Must Be Read: I love pining!Nick! Jess gets the flu not long after the end of Cooler, and Nick tries to fight his natural inclination to take care of her, in a sort of deeper, much less comedic alternative to the injury scenes in Quick Hardening Caulk.

I love the Nick in this story, how he's so not in denial about his feelings for Jess, but so convinced he's not good enough for her he's just going to keep fighting them until he can't anymore.

fandom: new girl, ship: jess day/nick miller

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