Fandom Category: Haven
Pairing: Audrey Parker/Nathan Wournos
Special Rec:20-27/?
Fic Title: Star Light, Star Britgh & Hope Remains
Fic 1,
Fic 2Rating/Warning(s): PG-13, NC-17
Genre: Romance, light angst
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: This is how I would like season 3 to end. Those two fics don't really need to be read together but I think it works better that way, now that said, just a little warning just in case.
Star Light, Star Britgh ->Has one-sided Audrey/Duke
Hope Remains -> It's NC-17
If one of those things is not your cup of tea, then read the other one, you really don't really need to actually read the both, I just think it's beautiful that way.
Fic Title: Contingency Plans
lone_pyramidLink: PG
Genre: Romance, angst
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: One of the possibilities for the finale is Audrey having to go into that barn, what would that mean for Audrey and Nathan and their relatioship, that's what this fic is about, contingency plans. And I love it, if it comes to that, then this plan is what I want as a reality. I'm gonna rec a sequel of sorts next, it's by another author but they are friends and they know that I'm pairing this two.
Fic Title: Welcome to Haven 2037
december21stLink: PG
Genre: Romance, mithology
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: But then, what would actually happen if the fic above this one actually happens, if they have to use that contingency plan? This is that fic, and exactly what I would want to happen. Do I think this is even remotely possible? Not now that we know we get a fourth season but if we didn't I think I would have accepted this as a finale. Not really the happy ending I was hoping for (still want) but a happy ending non the less.
Fic Title: A beautiful Thing
missymegginsLink: PG
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: Nathan's story told by Nathan and written by Missymeggins, what's not to love? The story starts back when he was "a real boy", as Duke would say, and shows you the diferences between that boy and the boy he became after the troubles got to him. It's a nice change, to forget about all the shippy things and mithology of the show and just stop and listen to his story, beautifully written, too. Now, I don't want to scare you, okay? There are shippy undertones to the story. After all, you can't write about Nathan's trouble and not mentation the one person he can actuallly feel and what that means for him.
Fic Title: Real
neotantrikaLink: NC-17
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: Back when we found out that Audrey wasn't really Audrey, I was shocked, and really all I wanted to do was read the fic were someone dealt with that. This fic does it amazingly well, from the characterization of the characters to the writting, so yeah, high five to the author because she did something fantastic here. And well, there's naughty times, too. That's always a bonus, isn't it?
Fic Title: All my Life
lone_pyramidLink: PG
Genre: Angst
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: Another fic about what could possibly happen in the season finale. What? I just can't predict what's going to happen and I'm reading all the fics about it and dying. This one is not one of the happy endings ones, but it is beautifully written and it deserves to be recced.
Fic Title: I Want a Piece of you Tonight
missymegginsLink: NC-17
Genre: PWP, only it does have a tiny little bit of plot
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: Let's finish this recs with some fun 'cause after that last fic, I'm sure you need it, at least I know I did. So yeah, this is mostly PWP, but it does has some plot, barely there, I know, but it has it. Post "Business as usual" (oh, all the possibilities we had back then, uh?)
NOTE: I am one of those who couldn't wait for January 17th, but I stand behind those who don't want to be spoiled further than what's been aired, on that note, none of the fics above have spoilers for neither "Reunion" nor "Thanks for the Memories". Please, be respectful and don't post spoilers in the comments.