Yuletide 2012: let's collect our memories like diamonds in the dark by M_Leigh

Jan 03, 2013 18:02

Fandom Category: Dublin Murder Squad series
Pairing: Cassie Maddox/Rob Ryan
Fic Title: let's collect our memories like diamonds in the dark
Author: M_Leigh
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/600003
Rating/Warning(s): Not Rated (adult themes)
Genre: romance, quite a bit of angst
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: If you are not initiated into the wistful world of any of Tana French's ongoing cycle of wonderfully character-driven crime novels, I highly recommend you check them out, provided you can handle some brutal endings. Her first novel In the Woods has left many fans pining for the star-crossed partnership between Ryan and Maddox. This fic gives us a vague continuation for them that feels cathartic in some places while ultimately still acknowledging the darker edges of their shared and separate pasts.

ship: cassie maddox/rob ryan, fandom: dublin murder squad

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