Snowdrops and Bluebells by Regina and A Spring Fair in Minas Tirith by Regina

Dec 19, 2012 08:09

Fandom Category:Lord of the Rings [Third Age]
Pairing: Eowyn/Faramir
Fic Title: Snowdrops and Bluebells and A Spring Fair in Minas Tirith
Author: Regina
Link: and
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Series, Developing Relationship
WIP?: Complete
Why This Must Be Read: The Lord of the Rings introduced me to fantasy and the sweep of history. I read the series in my teens and try to reread them every few years. One of the great romances, to me, is that of Eowyn and Faramir. This story focuses on the relationship between Merry and Eowyn with its impact on her decision to marry Faramir. A Spring Fair in Minas Tirith is a series of vignettes set within Snowdrops and Bluebells showing the reactions of various merchants to Faramir, Eowyn and Merry as well as the merchants' own stories.
Special Recommendation 14 of 20

ship: eowyn/faramir, fandom: lord of the rings, special reccer: riverotter1951

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