Challenge 104

Dec 15, 2012 09:13

In addition to any recs you wish to post at any time, the comm has bi-weekly rec challenges issued by the mods.

Challenge 104:

Category: Batman (all versions)
Deadline: January 1
Challenge: Rec us your favorite Batman fics. Any and all het pairings welcome! Just c/p the text below and post it as a new entry:

Fandom Category:
Fic Title:

Why This Must Be Read:

You do not need to ask for posting rights. Just become a member and rec your favorites!

Feel free to pimp this comm to your friends so that we get more Batman fans!

Plus, your fellow members are looking for some specific recs. Can you help them out?

[Special Requests]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Buffy Summers/Charles Gunn
Covert Affairs: Annie Walker/Eyal Lavine
Chuck: Sarah Walker/Chuck Bartowski
Gossip Girl: Jenny Humphrey/Nate Archibald
Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter
Hart of Dixie: Zoe Hart/Wade Kinsella
Legend of the Seeker: Cara Mason/Leo Dane
Once Upon a Time: Snow White (Mary Margret Blanchard)/Prince Charming (David Nolan)
Parade's End: Sylvia Tietjens/Christopher Tietjens
Revenge: Emily Thorne/Aiden Mathis
Star Trek Reboot/TOS: Amanda Grayson/Sarek
Teen Wolf: Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore
Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles: Cameron Philips/John Connor
The Newsroom: MacKenzie McHale/Will McAvoy
Uncharted: Elena Fisher/Nathan


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