Forbidden Fruit by Sue Kelly

Dec 08, 2012 17:53

b>Fandom Category: Sentinel
Pairing: OFC [Stacey Murray]/Jim Ellison
Fic Title: Forbidden Fruit
Author: Sue Kelly
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and Up,Hurt/Comfort, Non-Graphic Violence, Poison
Genre: Series
WIP?: Complete
Why This Must Be Read: Within Sentinel fandom, there are questions. Is there one Guide for each Sentinel? Can a Sentinel have multiple Guides? What happens if a Guide loses their Sentinel? A new department head is in charge of the Anthropology department and she can change Jim's life forever.
Special Recommendation 3 of 20

I need a Jim Ellison tag.

fandom: the sentinel, ship: original character, special reccer: riverotter1951

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