Love Undercover by TanyaReed (PG)

Nov 13, 2012 10:19

Fandom Category: Due South
Pairing: Margaret Thatcher/Ray Kowalski
Fic Title: Love Undercover
Author: TanyaReed
Rating/Warning(s): PG/Violence
Genre: Romance, Action
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 9 of 22

Why This Must Be Read: I loooooove the trope "going undercover as a couple" The author does a great job of bring Meg and Ray from mere acquintences to two people who are falling in love with each other. The case is very intriguing and I love all the little moments between the two of them as they get to know each other better. A really well done story! :D

fandom: due south, ship: margaret thatcher/ray kowalski, special reccer: honor_reid

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