Two 'Justice League Unlimited' Recs

Mar 30, 2009 09:49

Fandom Category: Justice League Unlimited
Pairing: Batman/Wonder Woman
Fic Title: No Dating for the Batman
Author: Athena Phoenix
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17 for explicit sexual situations
Genre: Romance, kind of PWP, some humor
WIP?: Complete

Why This Must Be Read: This story is a wonderful one to read, and one that belongs on any favorite's list. In addition to being so insanely hot that it sizzles, the characters still retain their authentic voices despite the non-canonness of the situation. Despite Bruce's concerns about dating a teammate, Diana still goes after what she wants -- namely, him. A great read.

Fandom Category: Justice League Unlimited
Pairing: Batman/Wonder Woman
Fic Title: Rich Kid with Issues
Author: Athena Phoenix
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17 for explicit sexual situations
Genre: Romance, a bit of humor
WIP?: Complete

Why This Must Be Read: The sequel to No Dating for the Batman, Rich Kid with Issues is just as enjoyable as the first story. Delving into the aftermath of Bruce and Diana's night together, the reader is treated to Bruce and Diana learning to deal with the changes they've wrought. Bruce has to choose whether or not to accept Diana into his life -- all aspects of it, while Diana has to learn to accept how Bruce's life differs so greatly from her own. Another amazing read.

fandom: batman, fandom: justice league unlimited, fandom: comics, fandom: wonderwoman, ship: wonderwoman/batman

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