Day Twenty-Six: Chasing Cars by snarkysweetness (PG-13)

Oct 26, 2012 21:14

Day 26 - A future fic.

Fandom Category: Once upon a Time
Pairing: Emma Swan/August Booth
Fic Title: Chasing Cars
Author: snarkysweetness
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Romance, family
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Emma/August is one of the most beautiful pairings in OuaT, and there are a lot of future fics for the. This is just one. This is a really cute fic that shows family moments that can really be in their future if... ;)

special: 30 day meme, ship: emma swan/august booth, fandom: once upon a time

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