Day 04 - A fic that demonstrates how a pairing with little canon romantic chemistry/interaction can totally work
Fandom Category: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Kate Heightmeyer/Evan Lorne
Fic Title: Time to spare
HereRating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: romance, AU, baby!fic
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: Kate/Lorne is the perfect example for this day, as they had only one scene together right, ONE! And the fics for them predates this little scene.
wildwest_lantis has been recced before as a whole, but I felt like reccing this fic for today. It's a beautiful fanfiction for these two, and it really shows the chemistry they could have had on the show. And if you've never read
wildwest_lantis what are you waiting for???