Day 02 - A fic for your very first ship.
Ok, just a small note. Harm/Mac aren't my very first ship (my very first ship doesn't have fanfiction), but they're the first ship for which I've read a fanfic, it's still a first! ;)
Fandom Category: JAG
Pairing: Sarah 'Mac' MacKenzie/Harmon 'Harm' Rabb Jr
Fic Title: You Stay With Me
Author: lizook
HereRating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: romance, a bit of humour
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: This is a cute little fic set post-series finale. The author wrote the characters beautifully, and it feels like a perfect 'let's see what's going on with those two a couple of years after the last scene' fic. Beautiful, really. And it's great to see that even years after the show ended, there are still quite a lot of fics being written! ;)