The Lost Boys, 1 Rec, Star/Michael Emerson

Sep 30, 2012 09:20

Fandom Category: The Lost Boys
Pairing: Star/Michael Emerson
Fandom #: 26
Special Recs: 89

Fic Title: Diary
Author: The.Clown.That.Smiles
Rating/Warning(s): K+/T
Genre: Introspection
WIP?: No

Special Rec #: 89

Why This Must Be Read: This story goes into Star's mind, attempting to give a fuller view of her character and viewpoint upon meeting Michael. The movie was an enjoyable vampire flick. Star & Michael were the two characters who rode the line between dark & light - the type of characters you can do so much with. However this is one of the few pieces (in a small fandom anyway) that I've seen try and get into Star's head.

ship: star/michael emerson, fandom: the lost boys, special reccer: caitriona_3

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