Two Young Justice Recs

Sep 01, 2012 09:20

Fandom Category: Young Justice
Pairing: Artemis Crock/Wally West
Fic Title: and other collisions
Author: kittu9
Link: Here.
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Genre: Humor, Pre-Ship, Meet the Parents
WIP?: No

Fandom Category: Young Justice
Pairing: Artemis Crock/Wally West
Fic Title: the crime of having nowhere to go
Author: torigates
Link: Here.
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Genre: Humor, Pre-Ship, Meet the Parents
WIP?: No.

Why This Must Be Read: I'm combining the "this must be read" part for these, because even though they're totally separate fics, I think of them in tandem. Because they are Artemis meets the Wests fics and GREAT. One of my favorite things to think about with these two (or before season two started anyway) was the prospect of Wally bringing Artemis home to meet his parents, because his life is so completely different than hers. And both of these take that premise and execute it so incredibly well that I want to read them again and again. You will as well.

fandom: young justice, ship: artemis crock/wally west

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