6 Doctor Who recs (River/Eleven, Amy/Rory, Rose/Ten, Martha/Ten)

Aug 14, 2012 17:44

Good lord, I'm glad I have this fandom now. How could I have been missing so much good fic for so long?

Pairing: River Song/Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Fic Title: Let It Be Awkward
Author: dollsome
Link: http://dollsome.livejournal.com/1708525.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Humor, romance
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: One of the best things about discovering new fandoms is discovering that your favorite fic authors have already discovered them. In this fine example of the extended Pond clan working out family dynamics, the perenially talented dollsome gives us some mother-daughter bonding, several classic Rory moments, and the most laugh-out-loud funny narration I've read in a while. Plus, someone purrs the word "potassium." It's short, just read it.


Pairing: Rose Tyler/Tenth Doctor (Metacrisis)
Fic Title: Laddie, Lie Near Me
Author: abadplanwellexecuted
Link: http://abadplanwellexecuted.tumblr.com/post/28247343582/laddie-lie-near-me
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Humor, romance
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: It's a unique take on the usual post-"Journey's End" trope of Rose adjusting to the metacrisis Doctor while he waits ever-so-patiently. Our heroine is tough, confident, and entirely worth reading. She doesn't need convincing that Doctor Two (or Ten II, or 10.5, or Ten-Too, or whatever you like to call him) is "her" Doctor, but there's a conversation that needs to be had, and I think this author gets it more right than most. Also, Rose makes an excellent point early about dealing with Daleks in "Journey's End"--what do you do with Daleks if you're not trying to counter-exterminate them, exactly?


Pairing: Rose Tyler/Tenth Doctor
Fic Title: The girl on the horse
Author: orange_crushed
Link:  http://time-and-chips.livejournal.com/3950230.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Romance, a little bit of crack
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I didn't love "The Girl in the Fireplace." It's a neat concept, and I will never not laugh at Mickey's lack of perspective regarding a horse and pre-Revolutionary France on a spaceship. But the whole thing undermined the Rose/Ten dynamic in ways that bothered me. In any case, this fic totally fixes things with an awesome Rose, a solid Reinette, and a Doctor that fits better with the rest of canon as I personally like to understand it.


Pairing: Rose Tyler/Tenth Doctor (Metacrisis)
Fic Title: The Rather Odd Couple
Author: rosa_acicularis
Link:  http://rosa-acicularis.livejournal.com/17928.html
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Genre: Romance, fluff
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Here's a sweeter take on the events in Pete's World after "Journey's End." Less angst than "Laddie, Lie Near Me," but much more fun, and no less worth reading.


Pairing: Martha Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fic Title: Twelve Cliches That Never Happened To Martha Jones
Author: nostalgia_lj
Link:  http://smith-n-jones.livejournal.com/41091.html
Rating/Warning(s): R
Genre: Crack of the romantic/fluff/smut variety
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Laugh-out-loud takes on trope-tastic ways that the Doctor and his most underappreciated companion might have hooked up. The narration is brilliant. I have also learned an important lesson about safe sex, and now really want to play "Hit The Doctor Repeatedly With A Teatowel."


Pairing: Martha Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fic Title: A Life More Ordinary
Author: zauberer_sirin
Link:  http://42number.livejournal.com/39870.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Gen, episode fic, touch of angst
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: A melancholy but worthy insight into Martha and the Doctor's life in 1969 while they wait for Sally Sparrow to sort things out during "Blink." There are plenty of entries into this file, but "A Life More Ordinary" blends the show's humor and pathos beautifully, as well as acknowledging Martha's unrequited affections, with plenty of nods to the time period (spoiler: the Doctor is the walrus). The author also remembers that our heroes know how they're going to be rescued, sooner or later, which is an interesting thread in the story.


Mods, are we tagging the metacrisis Doctor as something other than the Tenth Doctor?

fandom: doctor who, ship: river song/the doctor, ship: martha jones/the doctor, ship: rose tyler/the doctor

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