six "Five Times" fic recs (Stargate: Atlantis, The Mentalist, Castle, Warehouse13)

Aug 07, 2012 00:07

Fandom Category: The Mentalist
Pairing: Teresa Lisbon/Patrick Jane
Fic Title: Five Times Jane Watched Lisbon Die (And One Time He Didn't)
Author: lady_of_scarlet
Link: LJ / AO3
Rating/Warning(s): M (violence); character death (x5)
Genre: angst, friendship, bits and pieces of case!fic, UST, and (oddly enough, given the title) moments of complete fluff
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Okay, usually I don't read character death fics; I'm in it for the happy endings. The promise of "one time he didn't", though, was enough to lure me in and so I gave it a shot, and yeah, this is a very well-written fic. It's going to tug at your heartstrings all over the place, but it's definitely worth it (just make sure you're in the right kind of mood, or have fluffy fic standing by as a remedy!). No real spoilers, IIRC. ~10K words.

Fandom Category: Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka Bering/Pete Lattimer
Fic Title: Four Times Pete and Myka Lied, and One Time the Truth Came Out
Author: irony_rocks
Link: LJ / AO3
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: friendship, UST, humour, some A/A/case!fic, romance
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: The characters' voices? Bang on. Seriously. You'll swear these scenes comes straight out of an episode, they're so accurate. Banter, artifacts, bonding, flirting... it's all here. (In the interests of fairness, I should point out that I betaed this one. But still, the quality stands on its own; give it a shot ASAP.) Low on spoilers and posted two years ago anyway, so. ~5K words.

Fandom Category: Castle
Pairing: Kate Beckett/Richard Castle
Fic Title: Five Times Castle and Beckett Pretended to Make Out and One Time It Was For Realsies
Author: stringertheory
Rating/Warning(s): T
Genre: romance, humour
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Oh c'mon, who in the Beckett/Castle fandom hasn't enjoyed a fic or three where they "have" to kiss as a diversionary tactic? Y'know, before it was canon? *g* Anyway, this is a series of five times Castle and Beckett kissed for a case, and one time they did for them. Lighthearted and fun (with a nod to the X-Files ep Arcadia as a little added bonus). No spoilers. ~7K words.

Fandom Category: Castle
Pairing: Kate Beckett/Josh Davidson; Kate Beckett/Richard Castle
Fic Title: A Lot About Hearts
Author: Jill-in-the-Box
Rating/Warning(s): T
Genre: romance, angst
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Josh Davidson knows a lot about hearts; or: Five times Josh suspected Kate was in love with another man, and one time he knew for certain. In a lot of S3 fics, Josh was demonized. This fic? Doesn't do that. Told from Josh's pov, it shows how he cares for Kate but part of him suspects that she's not in it quite as deep as he is. Even if you're a Beckett/Castle 'shipper, you'll still feel sorry for Josh by the end of it all. Spoilers through S3. ~3.5K words.

Fandom Category: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard
Fic Title: Five Times John Touches Elizabeth
Author: peanutbutterer
Link: LJ / AO3
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: friendship, UST, humour, romance
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: What can I say, I'm a sucker for subtle touches between my OTPs, so a five times fic dedicated to that subject is perfect. Mostly sweet moments, but the middle one is just ouch. No spoilers. ~3K words.

Fandom Category: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard
Fic Title: Five Times John and Elizabeth Don't Dance Together, and One Time They Do.
Author: hihoplastic
Link: LJ / AO3
Rating/Warning(s): not rated, but probably PG-13
Genre: friendship, UST, romance, light angst, humour
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: This fic. OMG, this fic. Not the "traditional" five times fic in that each section is separate, but instead a series of moments between John and Elizabeth through the years, starting with S1 and John's initial realization that Oh yeah, his boss is kinda hot, through him understanding exactly what he feels for her and what that means when Elizabeth just isn't ready. The awesome lines you'll want to quote back to the author start just paragraphs into Scene 1 and just don't let up. Scene 5 will about tear your heart out, but Scene 6 fixes it all back up and it's all the sweeter for the momentary pain. No spoilers, I think. ~7.5K words.

(Mods, I don't know if it's worth adding a Kate Beckett/Josh Davidson tag for a fic that shares its 'ship with Beckett/Castle?)

fandom: warehouse 13, ship: myka bering/pete lattimer, fandom: castle, fandom: stargate: atlantis, ship: elizabeth weir/john sheppard, ship: kate beckett/rick castle

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