Fandom Category: Downton Abbey
Pairing: Carson/Hughes
Fic Title: all recurring joy
Link to all recurring joyRating/Warning(s): MA, smut
Genre: Angsty romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: Frakcancer is one of the best (if not the best) Carson/Hughes writers I know. If you're unsure about the pairing, read her fics. I guarantee you'll be sold. :) This particular fic shows you just how sexy they can be!
the bohemian, Rated T
better to taste of frost, Rated MA
this heart, some fraction of me, Rated T
And Carson/Hughes are perfect in A/U!!
brooklyn's on fire, Rated T, A/U
downton records, Rated T, A/U
I lost my heart to a starship trooper, Rated M, A/U
There are others at the writer's journal,
frakcancer, and a couple she has only posted at
lovebelowstairs and
downton100. Click on her author tag.