3 Multifandom Recs (The Office, Parks & Recreation, Community)

Jun 15, 2012 11:52

Fandom Category: The Office
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert (as if there are any others!)
Fic Title: Around Here No More
Author: loveleee
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/390987
Rating/Warning(s): None
Genre: A little bit of angst.
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: A tweak on the events of "Casino Night" that is every bit as painful and believable as canon would have it.


Fandom Category: Parks & Recreation
Pairing: Leslie Knope/Ben Wyatt
Fic Title: Simple As It Should Be
Link:  http://shornt.livejournal.com/567959.html
Rating/Warning(s): Light suggestiveness
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Leslie frets, only a little unreasonably, about her future with Ben. Ann Perkins, friend and beautiful nurse, is there to tone down the crazy. And then there's a lot of wondering about proposals. My description isn't doing the sweetness and loveable fluff of this fic justice, I'm sorry, just read it.


Fandom Category: Community
Pairing: Mostly gen, but with some Annie Edison/Jeff Winger and Annie Edison/Troy Barnes if you look for it
Fic Title: Creative (Non)Fiction
Author: freneticfloetry
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/142676
Rating/Warning(s): None
Genre: Humor, meta
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Abed attempts to write fanfiction about the study group for his creative writing class. His friends are understandably excited and disturbed by turns. It's more gen than het, but it's just too good not to share around.

fandom: community, fandom: parks and recreation, ship: annie edison/troy barnes, ship: annie edison/jeff winger, ship: pam beesley/jim halpert, ship: leslie knope/ben wyatt, fandom: the office

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