Out of the Ordinary by Eruanna17 (PG-13)

Jun 13, 2012 12:19

Fandom Category: Gokusen
Pairing: "Yankumi" Yamaguchi Kumiko/Sawada Shin
Fic Title: Out of the Ordinary
Author: Eruanna17
Link: www.fanfiction.net/s/7603875/1/
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13, None
Genre: Comedy, Romance
WIP?: No, complete at 17 chapters, 118,963 words
Setting: the first live-action drama
Special Rec: 13/28

Why This Must Be Read: This fic retells and expands upon canon, entirely from Shin's POV. The author has done an amazing job of showing us what is going on inside Shin's head as the drama progresses. I love to watch his growing attraction to Yankumi. It's done very well! I did not find this retelling of canon boring at all, and the author was not afraid to give us missing scenes nor extend the story past the official end. ^^V Definitely worth a read from all Yankumi/Shin fans!

ship: yamaguchi kumiko/sawada shin, special reccer: slr2moons, fandom: gokusen

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