[friday night lights] The Door's Open, But The Ride, It Ain't Free, by lindentree and khemlab

Apr 28, 2012 14:33

Fandom Category | Friday Night Lights
Pairing | Julie Tylor/Tim Riggins
Fic Title | The Door’s Open, But The Ride, It Ain’t Free
Author | lindentree and khemlab
Link | [part one] http://archiveofourown.org/works/43963
[part two] http://fridaynight-fic.livejournal.com/211849.html
[part three] http://archiveofourown.org/works/65324
Rating/Warning(s) | R/Fuck or die/rape and violence
Genre | Angst. Drama
WIP? | No
Special Rec | 29/?

Why This Must Be Read | This fic does not pull its punches, so please heed the warnings. I'm a fan of fics that put two characters together in an impossible situation (read: trope, I know, I know!!) and then takes away all the rules. I love reading the fallout. The aftermath. The recovery. And this collab. fic is an excellent example of it done really well.

ship: julie taylor/tim riggins, special reccer: waltzmatildah, fandom: friday night lights

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