"Rude Awakening" by Len (PG-13)

Apr 07, 2012 10:38

Fandom Category: Spaced
Pairing: Daisy Steiner/Tim Bisley
Fic Title: Rude Awakening
Author: Len
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5175545/1/Rude_Awakening
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Humor, UST, Best Friends
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: This short little gem of a story takes on the waking-up-after-a-night-you-don't-remember trope and turns it into a sweet and funny scene of the friendship and impending UST between Daisy and Tim. I only wish it was longer - I can imagine a scene like this having occurred on the actual show, and it would have been perfect.

fandom: spaced, ship: daisy steiner/tim bisley

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