Challenge 86, First time fics, 2 recs, Rurouni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho

Mar 31, 2012 18:22

Fandom Category: Rurouni Kenshin
Pairing: Kaoru Kamiya/Soujiro Seta
Fic Title: Bearing Blue
Author: Expert Shinobi
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): M, some graphic violence and angst
Genre: Romance/Drama
WIP?: Yes

Why This Must Be Read: Set in an AU universe, here Kaoru is forced into an arranged marriage with a man she has never seen; she struggles to adapt into a loveless life with Soujiro while fighting with her fear and desperation to break free. Slowly, their relationship grows from fear and distance into friendship and love, though there are dark secrets who threatens to destroy their fragile bond. I cannot rec this fic enough, as the author makes a hell of a job to describe the strong emotions Kaoru is feeling through the story, from the paralizing fear, to the curiosity, and the strong UST that finally resolves on chapter 10 on a passionate and intense scene. That aside, I just love how she keeps both characters with almost the same backgrounds as in canon, resulting in both keeping the same personalities despite being placed in an alternate universe. And the sexy times are sexy indeed.

Fandom Category: Yu Yu Hakusho
Pairing: Botan/Koenma
Fic Title: The Courtship
Author: nurdgurl714
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): M, explicit scenes (including oral sex), secondary slash couple (Hiei/Kuwabara)
Genre: Romance/Humor
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: You can describe this fic as a manual about what happens between two people since they eye each other, start dating and finally marry. As such, there is a very strong emphasis on sex, although it's rather curious the almost educational yet light approach in wich the author describes every sex encounter (yes, there are plenty on this fic). If you have any doubts regarding sex, look no further, as this fic works almost as a textbook for sex. Don't worry reading about a toddler getting it on, since we see exclusively Adult!Koenma here; however there is a small slash lemon in between the secondary slash couple (which quickly fades to black, so no worries) The author makes a good job setting this on the Yu Yu Hakusho universe, involving even a little politics, office dynamics and friendship between all the gang. I should tell you there are also some Yusuke/Keiko (with a slight lemon this one) and Kurama/Shizuru on the background. Quite hot, so read this when there's no one around!

fandom: yu yu hakusho, ship: botan/koenma, ship: kamiya kaoru/seta soujiro, fandom: rurouni kenshin

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