Pirates of the Caribbean, 5 recs, Elizabeth Swann/Jack Sparrow

Mar 14, 2012 23:18

Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Elizabeth Swann/Jack Sparrow
Fic Title: Aftermath
Author: salr323
Link: http://salr323.livejournal.com/45379.html
Rating/Warning(s): R
Genre: Drama, Romance
Special Rec: 16/100

Why This Must Be Read: salr323 is one of the best writers around, and her Jack/ ( Read more... )

special reccer: anr, fandom: pirates of the caribbean, ship: elizabeth swann/jack sparrow

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Comments 2

annerbhp March 15 2012, 15:14:46 UTC
The boonies fic link is restricted. Any other links to the story on an archive maybe?


anr March 15 2012, 20:03:57 UTC
oops! Sorry about that -- I've replaced the link with one to ffn.


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