Star Trek: Enterprise, 5 recs, T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III

Mar 05, 2012 23:00

Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Pairing: T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Fic Title: Ruined
Author: suzvoy
Rating/Warning(s): PG13
Genre: Drama
Special Rec: 6/100

Why This Must Be Read: suzvoy is one of those incredible writers who just get characters. In this piece, she shows us Trip and T'Pol on an away mission gone wrong; most importantly, she shows us with faultless characterisation.

Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Pairing: T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Fic Titles: Dusk & Stay
Author: konstantine03
Link: &
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Drama, Romance
Special Rec: 7/100

Why This Must Be Read: Dusk is the events of the season three episode Twilight as seen from a Trip/T'Pol perspective. In this story, konstantine03 explores what effects Archer's condition and the end of the world have on a relationship between the Trip and T'Pol by showing a "behind the scenes"-style series of vignettes throughout the episode's timeline. It's not a happily-ever-after, or a love story, but it is honest and a perfect example of "what if".

Stay, essentially, is a "missing scene" from Dusk and shows us how, sometimes, it's the little things that can mean the most.

Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Pairing: T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Fic Title: The Red Hat
Author: 2ndFloor
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Comedy
Special Rec: 8/100

Why This Must Be Read: Set early on, probably around season one, this story shows us Trip celebrating his birthday where T'Pol is perfectly Vulcan, Trip and the rest of the crew are perfectly human, and the dialogue (once you ignore Trip's phonetic accent) is extremely clever, dry, and funny.

Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Pairing: T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Fic Title: Black Hole
Author: mylittleredgirl
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17
Genre: Sex
Special Rec: 9/100

Why This Must Be Read: The T'Pol-on-crack storyline in season three is, without a doubt, one of the worst storylines in Star Trek history. That said, it did have one redeeming feature: it was one of the catalysts for Trip and T'Pol's relationship moving from colleagues and friends to lovers. Here, mylittleredgirl shows us a closer look at crack!T'Pol during that time between Harbinger and Damage where, as LR puts it, "the drugs and sex were good". The characterisations (for that time period) are perfect, the justifications and rationalisations are spot on, and the writing is awesome. Read and enjoy!

Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Pairing: T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Fic Title: A Logical Proposal
Author: ShouldKnowBetter
Rating/Warning(s): PG13
Genre: Romance, Drama
Special Rec: 10/100

Why This Must Be Read: A Logical Proposal is the first in a series of stories written before the beginning of season two. Is it AU? yes. Is it out of character? more so as the series progresses. Is it fun? definitely! Shouldknowbetter writes some of the best banter I've seen yet between Trip and T'Pol and doesn't shy away from long, plotty fics. This series is my guilty little secret: I know I shouldn't like it, but I do. A lot. My advice? Check your inner-characterisation-critic at the door and simply enjoy the show.

ship: t'pol/charles "trip" tucker iii, special reccer: anr, fandom: star trek: enterprise

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