Special Request: 2 White Collar Recs: Elizabeth/Peter

Feb 12, 2012 13:04

First of all, oh person who wanted Elizabeth/Peter recs: if you want to read fun, sexy stories about them, check out all of the works of lionessvalenti and not just these. Because they are all awesome.

Anyway, 2 (explicit) stories I really enjoyed:

Fandom Category: White Collar
Pairing: Elizabeth Burke/Peter Burke
Fic Title: Fulfilling Fantasies
Author: lionessvalenti
Link: here
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit
Genre: Romance, Sexytimes
WIP?: nope
Why This Must Be Read: The author's summary is: "After finding an adult magazine of Peter's, Elizabeth takes matters into her own hands." This shows you that Elizabeth is being awesomely sexy and confident, as usual. Also, Peter says something at the end that will make any person who reads it go "aww" involuntarily.

And a ficlet:
Fic Title: Catchy
Author: lionessvalenti
Link: here
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit
Genre: Humor
WIP?: nope
Why This Must Be Read: Because it's funny and sexy and awesome. I won't put the summary on here because it's one of those that just gives it away. :)

But seriously, White Collar fans: check out this author. She rocks.

/the end

ship: elizabeth burke/peter burke, fandom: white collar

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