Shipper Manifesto - Boyd/Grace (Waking the Dead)

Jan 29, 2012 13:09

Fandom:Waking The Dead
Pairing:Grace Foley and Peter Boyd

by angelvk

Blurb: I’ve really been struggling with what to say here. I want to convey to anyone new checking out this ship just how incredible this couple is. Not having much luck beyond saying this couple is awesome. There are not two people more suited for one another. I came in late to Waking the Dead (S6) and the first time I ever saw DSI Peter Boyd and Dr Grace Foley together I thought “Are these guys married?” I had only a rudimentary knowledge of the characters on the show but you cannot deny the something that is there when Boyd and Grace are together. Whether they’re fighting (which they do a lot), ganging up on a suspect (per joy to watch that), working together on the case (again joy) or just flirting, light or heavy (happens right from the pilot) these are two people who can’t function without one another. I guess that’s what it comes down too. These two have nothing but work so I guess it’s just natural they are drawn to one another. It’s really a beautiful thing to see this relationship from beginning to end. It’s a ship, so yes there’s no canon, but I can’t think of another couple I have more fun reading way too much into every interaction they have.

I should probably point out that Waking the Dead is a cold case show and Peter Boyd is the head of the unit and Grace Foley is the psychological profiler. It’s become a standard for crime shows but there is just something about how Trevor Eve (Boyd) and Sue Johnston (Grace) perform together that make it so much more than what’s basically become crime series cliché.

These aren’t necessarily my ten favourite. Just ten I love. There’s so many great fics for this pairing it’s difficult to choose.

Fic Rec #1:The Day I Lost My Head

Why This Must Be Read: I love this story just because it’s so unconventional. Boyd seriously hurt, Sarah still in the picture, Grace coming to terms with her and his feelings, Frankie, Felix, crispy duck. This was one of the first stories in the fandom that really stuck with me. I just love Boyd’s inner dialogue as he’s trying to get his mind back. Grace is a bit mother hen in it but not overly mother hennish and it just works so perfectly. The couple is so in character and it feels just like something that could have happened on the series. This will always be one of my favourites of shadowsamurai83.

Fic Rec #2Underneath Your Clothes

Why This Must Be Read:This story has a case, an undercover scenario, boatloads of UST, a healthy dose of angst, some incredibly dark times but what really does it for me is the dialogue. It’s so easy flowing, so natural. Both of them are far out of their comfort zones but with the dialogue it makes this one of the best fics around for the couple.

Fic Rec #3: If You Go Down In The Woods Today

Why This Must Be Read: This story is just a lot of fun. As with a lot of stories concerning B/G there’s loads of UST, flirting and a fluffy ending that is just wonderful.

Fic Rec #4:Consensus

Why This Must Be Read: Read it. Trust me on this. This fic is packed with all the things fangirl’s love. Fluff, some loving, retrospection and realisations. I love Grace’s fear and how Boyd lets her come to terms with it. To make that first move. Equality in this ship is a big thing and another reason why this couple is so brilliant.

Fic Rec #5:In The Shadows

Why This Must Be Read: I’m a sucker for POV’s of my favourite couple and this one is a great example. What makes it all the better is the history involved. I love that some backstory for Grace comes into play and it works so well. Gemenied has a great handle on these two and this is one of my fave’s of theirs.

Fic Rec #6:Beside Manners

Why This Must Be Read: Another POV fic that ends with Grace’ s POV. It’s a great story because it uses the elements of Grace’s illness and of Linda from Endgame. That episode alone is a fic writers dream. I loved all the POV’s but Felix’s stands out for me because of the way Grace gets so upset. I like that she isn’t all placating and forgiving. That her reaction isn’t predictable. Just like having Boyd forgive Jackie. Another of example of how nothing is ever conventional with this couple.

Fic Rec #7:Moments of Leisure

Why This Must Be Read: This story is just filled with hot and emotion. Birthday present aside it has to me read just for the emotion. This is exactly how it would be between them if they ever got together. Again the equality thing peeks in. You get a vulnerability from them both among other things. I’ve found fics that mirror both of their emotions work best for them. It’s in character and that is why this story has to be read.

Fic Rec #8:A River of Stars

Why This Must Be Read: Okay first things first - smut. OMG is this smut awesome. Joodiff always going on about writing PWP but the author couldn’t be more wrong. Yes this story is smoking hot for the images alone. Boyd and Grace sexin it up somewhat publicly yes but there’s always so much more packed in to the fics. They love each clearly. It’s there between the lines. Their relationship is about so much more than lust. They love one another. And this what all us shippers want isn’t it? Oh and did I mention smut? Just read and you won’t be disappointed.

Fic Rec #9:Something Old, Something New

Why This Must Be Read: This is WIP fluff and it has to be read. It’s a post series end story and it’s would work perfectly if this would be how they ended up together. I love the playfulness of it so far and I really, really can’t wait for next chapter. CatS81 is a master of fluffy goodness and this fic is not exception.

Fic Rec #10:Tiger By The Tail

Why This Must Be Read: Angry, passion filled office sexin with a fluffy ending. Nothin else needs to be said. ;-)

special: manifesto, fandom: waking the dead, ship: grace foley/peter boyd

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