All Odds On, by Lisafer (PG-13)

Jan 23, 2012 08:36

Fandom Category: Gone With the Wind
Pairing: Scarlett O'Hara/Rhett Butler
Fic Title: All Odds On
Author: Lisafer
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: A lovely look at Rhett's book-verse proposal to Scarlett, from his point of view. Lisafer wrote Rhett's thoughts and perspective perfectly. Rhett Butler is the epitome of a scoundrel, and we love him for it, Lisafer really portrays just how much depth the man has. Yes, he wants Scarlett and is determined not to let his chance pass him by again, but the man has layers. He truly does love her, beneath that devil-may-care attitude, and this is an excellent portrayal of it.

Special Rec: 23/31

special reccer: angelqueen04, ship: scarlett o'hara/rhett butler, fandom: gone with the wind

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