Fandom Category: Gossip Girl
Pairing: Blair Waldrof/Dan Humphrey
Fic Title: The Mean Reads
artemis-sparksLink: PG-13; some Dan/Vanessa, and Blair/Chuck, but not the focus of the fic. Some language.
Genre: romance, intellectual romcom,
WIP?: nope
Why This Must Be Read: Oh Dan and Blair, the ship tumblr and season 4, I think, made me care about but they're so precious to me now. The socialite and the writer, the dreamer and the realist, the ones that want and think and think about everything they want. Also, the ones with the best ship construction the show has done. This fic is great for them. It's set in mid season three where they both start to move past their prescribed - and excepted by others - intolerance for each other and start getting somewhat closer. Using a line from Breakfast at Tiffany's, which is a brilliant move on the author on it's own merits, the "mean reds" is exactly how their relationship with the fic begins: afraid of what the other means. Dan and Blair do something that changes their perspective on each other. At least Dan's at first and then it's when starts getting complicated because they're not supposed to like each other. Here, Dan and Blair are snippy and snarky as each other always but they slowly fine that past all they say they hate about each other is someone that they don't hate at all.
Fandom Category: Gossip Girl
Pairing: Blair Waldrof/Dan Humphrey
Fic Title: Can't Find The Words To Write This Song
shtiglitzLink: PG-13; sexual situations, language, chuck bass (mean, i know!)
Genre: romance, intellectual romcom, drama!
WIP?: nope
Why This Must Be Read: Another four-parter from another really great Dan/Blair author. This author as less fics out there for these two but they are great. I love the tag cut for this fic or how to get over blair waldrof in a single summer because t's pretty prefect. It's essentially what the fic is about: Dan wants to get over Blair. And Blair? Blair doesn't want to want Dan. We can all see where is going. The fic extends over the course of roughly a year and a half and what I love about this fic is that it takes them back to where they wanted to be in the first place in the end except this time they're along for each other's ride.
Fandom Category: Gossip Girl
Pairing: Blair Waldrof/Dan Humphrey
Fic Title: The Kind of Reckless That Should Send Me Running
shtiglitzLink: PG-13; language, I guess
Genre: romance, intellectual romcom, fluff, ust snark
WIP?: nope
Why This Must Be Read: I was only going to rec two fics and but this fic… is just so adorable! Also I wanted to rec something from Blair's POV, which I feel is really important for the ship since the last two are almost exclusively from Dan's but this is fun and sweet Blair one. Blair Waldorf hates everything about Dan Humphrey, she really does, except, she might not. I really enjoy this fic because it centres on one of my fave ship tropes: being annoyed at the person you like because you don't want to like them. This fic is sweet, funny (Dan and Nate's guy love for each other is amazing!), and the perfect capping off to all that drama and angst I recced above.