Fandom Category: The X-Files
Pairing: Dana Scully/Fox Mulder
Fic Title: Small Lives Awake
jetficLink: NC-17 (but just barely)
Genre: romance, casefile, holiday
WIP?: no
Why This Must Be Read:
Because it is Thanksgiving week here in the USA, I have decided to rec a lovely piece of holiday fic, "Small Lives Awake" by JET (her fic journal is
jetfic). With good reason, this is one of her most popular stories. It is AU, MSR, NC-17, with spoilers for everything through "Je Souhaite." Mulder and Scully go to visit her brother Charlie and his family for the holiday. There is a gentle, non-threatening little x-file, flurries of tiny snowflakes, bread baking and pie eating, and love all around. The link is to a defunct archive, courtesy of geocities' demise, but you can find this on her fic journal, too, if you want to poke a around a little. I believe it's at Gossamer, too. Happy Thanksgiving!