The recs are behind the cut below:
Fandom Category: Haven
Pairing: Audrey Parker/Nathan Wournos
Fic Title: Thicker than Water
Author: Artemis Rayne
Link: Rating/Warning(s): R (Mature)
Genre: Angst/Suspense with romance
Why This Must Be Read: This is a angstly story wherein Nathan is in trouble and needs rescuing and Audrey's the woman on a mission to find him. There is torture in this fic, so be aware - it has a mature rating for a reason but it is os compelling and the charaters are so well written you just get pulled along for the ride. A sequel/epilogue is also avalible (
Fandom Category: Haven
Pairing: Audrey Parker/Nathan Wournos
Fic Title: On the Back of a Hurricane
Author: thedivinecomedy
Link: PG-13 (T)
Genre: Angst/Romance
WIP?: Yes
Why This Must Be Read: A wonderfful story post Sparks and Recreation (season 2 ep 4) which delves into the relationship between Nathan and Audrey with a bit of support from Duke. Not finished but still being worked on...