Fandom Category: A-Team (TV series)
Pairing: Amy Allen/H.M. Murdock
Fic Title: You Don't Need Analyzing (It's Not So Surprising)
Perpetual Motion Link:
HereRating/Warning(s): G
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: It has been a year since Amy has heard from any of the A-Team, when Murdock shows up at her door. Amy is leading a normal life has a steady job and a great boyfriend, but there is something missing. She only realizes this when Murdock crashes into her very well ordered life. Why I liked this story: The interaction between Amy and Murdock is so delightful, and when the rest of the Team and Colonel Decker gets involved the chaos really takes off. The team is awesome in this, but the real genius of this story is the burgeoning relationship of Amy and Murdock. The author does an excellent job of not sugar coating how difficult a relationship between the two of them would be, considering the Team's fugitive status and the fact that Murdock suffers from PTSD. The whole story is so lovely. I highly recommend it. Enjoy!