6 Office (U.S.) recs, all Pam/Jim

Sep 08, 2011 13:20

Really, like there's any other pairing on that show. But I just finished perusing the archives of the scranton_times, and I figured others should benefit from the oldies-but-goodies I found there.


Fandom Category: The Office (U.S.)
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Borneo
Author: sophia_helix
Link:  http://sophia-helix.livejournal.com/421317.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Romance with a dash of humor and some angst
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: It's been a while since this fic was rendered AU (it's dated summer 2006, just post-"Casino Night"), but it's a sweet and believable take on our favorite couple's interactions after that one magic moment. Rather than the angsty, angry route these sorts of stories usually take, "Borneo" mixes the office-buddy element of their relationship with the romance elements flawlessly, and finds a genuine and genuinely happy meeting in the middle. The usual Dunder-Mifflin shenanigans are, of course, excellent background color.


Fandom Category: The Office (U.S.)
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Interlude: A Study in Love
Author: chibi_care
Link:  http://office-fanworks.livejournal.com/108788.html
Rating/Warning(s): R
Genre: Romance, character study
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Another happy epilogue to "Casino Night," but rather than an immediate follow-up, this fic is a lovely and poetic survey of the giddy bits of Pam and Jim's early relationship.  Though this was written in 2006, "Interlude" actually reads as canon-compliant somewhere around Season 4, which is wonderfully nifty.  Dwight and Michael make spot-on cameos, too.


Fandom Category: The Office (U.S.)
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Time and Space
Author: kieyra
Link:  http://kieyra.livejournal.com/235497.html
Rating/Warning(s): "Somewhere between hard 'R' and NC-17"
Genre: Romance and angst and the usual Season 3-era medley
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: In the first of two parts, kieyra closes the spaces between the two that had been well-established in early Season 3, when this was written, getting them speaking again and in the same place, removing Roy, showing Pam with her newfound backbone that won't take Jim's emo-ness for an answer. In the second part, the author gives them time, breaking down by minutes a night of conversation, cold pizza, and, well, the kinds of things that make a fic rated NC-17. The tone overall is just right, and the speed is, too.


Fandom Category: The Office (U.S.)
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Inside Jokes
Author: Talkative
Link: http://mtt.just-once.net/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=3868&warning=5
Rating/Warning(s): MA
Genre: Humor with some angst later on
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: This absolutely is my headcanon for all of the inside joke tokens that were in the teapot Jim gave Pam for Christmas in Season 2.


Fandom Category: The Office (U.S.)
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: A Better Version of Me
Author: Talkative
Link: http://mtt.just-once.net/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=3634&warning=4
Rating/Warning(s): M
Genre: Romance, character study
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: As perfect as the proposal scene and the ensuing JAM goodness was in canon, I'd kind of like this to be the real version. Jim visits Pam throughout her summer in New York, sending mix CDs and lots of love. They resolve that wedding business, bond with her lovely old-Jewish-lady neighbors, and charge forward with a vitality and lightness that I think the show lost after Season 4.  (Incidentally, I was not aware that Halpert is a Jewish last night, but I love the author's making that relevant.)


Fandom Category: The Office (U.S.)
Pairing: Pam Beesley/Jim Halpert
Fic Title: Week's End
Author: Talkative
Link: http://mtt.just-once.net/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=3675
Rating/Warning(s): MA
Genre: Romance
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: A generally canon-compliant look into the early days of Jim and Pam as JimandPam, complete with first-times, meeting parents, and the bits of laughter and awkwardness we've come to expect from these two crazy kids.

ship: pam beesley/jim halpert, fandom: the office

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