Home is Where Your Story Begins and A House Is Not a Home, PG-13/R, Supernatural/Joan of Arcadia

Aug 22, 2011 11:54

Fandom Category: Supernatural/Joan of Arcadia crossover. (With a smidge of the Dresden Novels.)
Pairing: Joan Girardi/Sam Winchester, Charity Carpenter/Michael Carpenter
Fic Title: Home is Where Your Story Begins and A House Is Not A Home
Author: FaithDaria
Link: Story 1 and Story 2
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13/Rish. Strong themes (anything game on a Supernatural episode), mentions of child abuse, violence.
Genre: Crossover, friendship, supernatural (Christian idealogy; please see Supernatural canon), babyfic.
WIP?: The first story is complete, but the second is just begun, but has regular updates.

Why This Must Be Read: Mostly a gen story, this story hit me right between the eyes with a wave of nostalgia for Joan of Arcadia. I'd forgotten how much I liked that show and story about spirituality and the multiple faces of faith and belief. I was stunned how seamlessly the two (three counting the cameo by the Dresden side-cast) canons melded together, and how it gave Joan some continuing adventures. Engaging and thoughtful, these stories (horray for sequels!) are incredibly addictive and open-ended in the best of ways. I'm thrilled that the sequel is showing us more of the breadth of the SPN universe through Joan's eyes. And allowing Joan to move through it and fix the small hurts by just being herself.

ship: crossover, fandom: joan of arcadia, fandom: dresden files, fandom: supernatural, ship: charity carpenter/michael carpente

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